New to TCCA is the concept of an International Symposium, was launched in 2018. The main function of the Symposium is to provide a platform where Turkish Cypriots community leaders, Politicians, and key influencers, throughout the world are able to come together and discuss issues of concern to Turkish Cypriots living abroad.
The first Turkish Cypriot Symposium was held over two days with the first being formed around sub groups covering the field of Politics, Education, Youth and the Arts. The second day was dedicated to feedback from the sub groups and a main session dedicated to a discussion on “considering a federal resolution for Cyprus”, after which a vote was taken, and the vast majority voted in favour of a federal solution.
Guest speaker at the Symposium was Turkish Cypriot, Niyazi KIZILYÜREK MEP (Cyprus - Progressive Party of Working People). Niyazi is on the following European Committees:
- D-CL Delegation to the EU-Chile Joint Parliamentary Committee
- DPAL Delegation for relations with Palestine
- Committee on Culture and Education

The event was followed by a community network session where member’s attendees were able to discuss issues in greater detail, and formulate plans for the future. The Symposium was due to be a two yearly event, however due to covid 19, the 2020 Symposium was cancelled.
TCCA is also a member of the Volonteurope. It is currently the only Cypriot organisation that has achieved membership.