“A truly INPIRATIONAL innovative training provider that combats the barriers levied due to Language” - EADI European Association of Development Research and Training Institutes
Most people, whom choose to become carers, do so to help others and make the service users lives better. To be able to do their job at a high standard they must be trained, therefore, we ensure training of our carer’s are completed so it improves their performance and standards.
We at TCCA continue to improve our training, which in turn improves the skills and standards of our carers. New training lists were introduced in 2019, which gave the carers wider knowledge and skills. The organisation follow the set out “skills for care mandatory training recommendation”. This year in 2020 there has been new changes to the mandatory recommendation training, which the organisation will be implementing in the regular training sessions.
As seen in the press and on TV, a lot of stress has been put into training staff on Mental capacity, Mental Health and work related stress. All of the staff have had basic training on the above topics and separate training will be developed on each area. The organisations online training is available to all staff, which some staff prefer to use. These can be accessed at any time and can be saved and continued at any time. There are also non-compulsory and wider selection of courses available to widen the knowledge of the staff.

The organisation have continued collecting new training materials and equipment and now have a new life-size dummy to use alongside other training equipment’s. The organisation have used it during moving and repositioning, dressing and undressing and for personal care training. The organisation now also have a good collection, including two first aid dummy ‘Annie’, for CPR training, mobile hoist, feeding pump, commode, wheelie frame, bed frame and toilet seat frame and raiser.
The TCCA will be starting a new group of RQF health and social care Level 2; this will be available to everyone, those interested to contact TCCA Office. The organisation still have access to the Work Development Funding for our Homecare staff. Skills for care- ‘NMDS’ has also change its portal and is now ‘The Adult Social Care Workforce Data Set (ASC-WDS)’. To be able to claim the funding this has to be kept up to date. All new staff with no experience of care work start with the Care certificate and are then able to develop onto the L2 Health and Social care diploma. Recognised qualifications such as the care certificate and RQF in Health and Social care provide solid evidence of that training, and the quality of the care that staff provide.

Staff development is a very important role for TCCA, and the organisation will continue to support staff development. The organisation understands the barriers our staff have and will continue to work around these and develop ways for our staff to continue to develop their skills and knowledge. Development in our staff means better care service to our service users.