Our aim to through the funding offer by trusts and grants to give the elderly and vulnerable opportunities for social excursion via a day trip. This would allow those attending to meet their peers and travel outside of London something most would not have experienced for years. . We have successfully delivered three to four trips a year our last being to Clacton on Sea. Other venues visited have included, Bath, Brighton, Cambridge, Eastbourne, Margate, Oxford, Peak District, Yarmouth and Christmas shopping in Calais.
Each trip has a capacity of 53 and most of the trips we travel with 45 elders plus. Each trip has three chaperones, who are first aid train, have ben DBS checked, and are known to elderly that are travelling. Each trip is followed by an evaluation, and feed back to trustees, which help support the planning of other trips. We did have trips arranged for 2020, however due to Covid-19 planned trips never materialised.
Our plans for 2022

Stratford upon Avon


Bruges (two day break)

………………… watch this space