Cache Training
Our impact since 1976
See our work in actions
Our video, made by us or in partnership with our media partner EuroGenc TV, give you an insight into our work and give a platform for our projects to provide advice and support.

Cyprus House allows members of the community an opportunity to sample
mouth-watering traditional Cypriot dishes in a newly decorated
Cypriot environment.
Our focus is to bring the community together in
a Cypriot environment.
The restaurant also caters for our extraordinarily successful Luncheon Club providing subsided meals
for elderly, frail and disabled.
During periods of lockdown the restaurant is transfer to TCCA which in-turn provides meals to 60 families daily which are isolating.
Mon -Fri: 10:00 – 21:00
Sat: 12.00—late
Sun: 12.00—21.00